Thursday, March 15, 2007

dog days at work

Chaos is now a working dog. He's learning how to be cool in the office and is way more excited to ride the gondola to work then I am. We leave the house in the morning and he does his business before leashing up and hoping on the gondola for the 5 minute ride up the hill.

Every morning he has to go next door and see if his best work buddy Tipsy is there. Tipsy is a saint bernard mix and a bit younger then Chaos. However Tipsy is one of the most mellow young dogs I've ever met. If she's there she'll meander down to our office and hang with Chaos. They usually chew bones. Each will have an identical bone but Chaos always wants the one Tipsy has. When he gets it that bone it's cool for 90 seconds before he repeats the process. Tipsy is cool chewing whatever.

He has other friends too. Sadie is a young chocolate lab (whose parents are from Maine) and comes to the office to kick Chaos's butt. Sadie & Chaos wrestle and play for as long as we let them.

After work Chaos sometimes has walk buddies. Murphy is a curly lab(or golden)doodle who frolicked with Chaos the whole time! Emmy is a hound dog that's too busy chasing a scent to play much but when she comes over it's crazy puppy time. One of of his best buddies is Budo. We can't say his name much or he starts to look around for him. Chaos & I stayed with Budo and his older sister for a week around Turkey Day and the two have been good friends. Budo is going to move closer soon so hopefully they'll get more playtime.

Chaos's work life is way more exciting then mine. I go to the office, do emails, phone calls and projects then go home. Occasionally I get to travel. I'm headed to San Antonio at the end of March. One of my friends from the East will also be going so I'm pretty psyched.

Dave's work life is soon to change. He finished snowmaking in January and has been a barista at a local coffee company since October(carrabassett coffee still is the fave of this coffee snob). Monday he starts painting with Jedi Painting- may the force be with him.

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