Wednesday, May 28, 2008

change of pace

Now that we're no longer worried about where to live we can focus in on the fun things again. My favorite festival, Mountainfilm hit town this weekend and we spent the weekend enjoying the culture. Last year Lynn Hill and John Harlin III signed my books and this year I found Jennifer Lowe-Anker and David Breashears to sign at the reading frenzy.

Work has an insane camera~ the nikon d-100. This isn't a simple point and shoot. it's a big monster and takes incredible pics. I had some good luck with it the other night and have taken some great doggie pics of chaos and his friends. It's pretty phenomenal to be able to catch the water droplets as they fly through the air.
Chaos has some pretty cute friends but they're not always easy to catch being still. The camera has the speed to be able to capture these monsters in all their cuteness. Here's some shots of chaos, mako and murphy being their goofy selves.


Anonymous said...

Hey I came across your blog while searching for other Telluride bloggers. Your photos of Chaos are awesome! :)

Lisa Wilson said...

Ooops, I meant to comment under my Google/Blogger ID.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Hi, I stumble upon your blog while looking for golden lovers.
Chaos is so adorable!