Monday, September 7, 2009

rainy day adventures....

um.... guys... i think it's gonna rain again...

I'm not sure why chaos was so concerned about it raining since he spent much of his time Saturday in the lake. Meg and Sam came to town and we escaped our house and headed up to Alta Lakes. It was a rainy afternoon and we set up our sunshade(ok.... rainshade), had a small fire and enjoyed a day by the lake with the three goldens.

we had started the day out right with a good breakfast of gluten free pancakes and finished with a visit to Fat Alley BBQ. Oh yeah... there's a small festival going on but for once we skipped it all! All four of us just needed a chill day watching some cave man tv (aka the campfire) and letting the monsters swim... Chaos spent most of the day yesterday recovering on the couch from all the fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really love to watch Dixie sleep after she's played in the water for an afternoon. It makes me jealous! If we all the simple, yet full life of a big, old dog....