Monday, November 21, 2011

the new camp chaos

Life at the new campchaos isn't all that different... unless of course you factor in the 9,000 feet less altitude which has resulted in more oxygen and changed the game of gluten free baking. We now also "do wood" which as most Mainer's know as a super fun game that results in having a warm house all winter despite how low the thermometer drops.
The dogs wear blaze orange not just for Halloween but during the whole month of deer season as their bushy white tails may be confused with a deer a bit too easily. We enter camp on the first floor with all the bedrooms (yes- that's more then just one!) and head upstairs to the main room that gets great sunlight even with the shortest day of the year approaching.  A trip outside yields a dirt road and a great walk for the dogs each morning. So it's a bit different from condo life but we're all adapting well.

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