Wednesday, October 31, 2007

best buddies

So Mu-nee Kitty is happy to be back to a one dog house. Tipsy is really gentle but Mu-nee would never let her get close enough to learn that. Today I worked from home in our newly claimed office/guest room and the critters curled up beside me on the bed. Chaos is used to sleeping by me as I work but it's new for Mu-nee Kitty.

I was also suprised to see the funny little kitty jump on the bed beside the monster and hang out. At times she seemed to even be copying him. When we brought Chaos home 2.5 years ago I thought it would take her a month to adjust to her new playmate- now all this time and a cross country move later she's almost friends with him... maybe by his 3rd birthday I'll be able to post pics of them cuddling!

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