Sunday, November 11, 2007


I just returned from a trip to nyc for work. It was cool but really short. I flew in late on Wednesday night and left on Friday afternoon. I spent the entire day on Thursday on a trade show floor- so the point? I was able to walk from my hotel on 34th and Broadway to Times Square which was cool. Another fun feature was catching up with an old friend, Kris from high school who I haven't seen in 11 years! Kris and I had rocked the ski team together and also la clase de espanol. We caught up for dinner in his neighborhood- because essentially this big city of millions is just lots of neighborhoods.
It's fun reacquainting with someone after such a span of time. We've been through some similar experiences and it was cool to compare notes and see how another person goes through something that is different but essentially the same. I would also much rather see a great person and have fun vs playing tourist games. However- there were games involved~ I was introduced to Guitar Hero which I had not heard of (I've now seen it on countless commercials) and really stunk at it! It requires a level of coordination that I do not possess.
I am now a pro at catching cabs and not getting hit while crossing the street- those of you who have seen me wander into traffic know this last one can be a challenge!

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