Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poopy nights

3rd night in row of waking up every 60 to 90 minutes. Put on down jacket, hat, head lamp and boots. Walk down stairs and stand outside for 5-10 min in 14 degree weather. Come in and wipe runny pooh from Chaos's sore bum and long hair. Try to sleep before next round and feel guilty for feeling grumpy when he's sick.
And oh yeah.... Dave's working nights so I am on chaos duty alone. I still have to work and did a presentation at 10am today for crowd of 40 people and had to wing it since the power point I made wouldn't work on the big screen and then froze on my computer- remembered that i should always print a hard copy so i don't have to remember my presentation after a night of 4 hours of interrupted sleep.
He is eating. He now likes to have his dish elevated since his muscles are tired of bending. I made him rice and boiled chicken and mixed it with a bit of canned dog food. He is doing better during the day with much longer times between episodes. He went to his friends house while I went to a longer afternoon meeting and did really well. I was feeling optimistic that tonight would be mellow but we've been outside 3 times since 10:30pm- good times.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless crackBerry


Anonymous said...

Dixie has had her share of episodes as well...we also add some plain yogert in with the rice and chicken if these watery times come about...
Her problems were cleared up drastically when we switched to Science Diet.
Hope he gets to feeling better :)

Unknown said...

Oh no...get well soon Chaos! With Dixie being a geriatric :) and having a rather sensitive stomach, we've lived this dream quite a few times since moving last January. As she ages, we continually have to buy higher and higher quality food to keep her digestive system happy. At least our door opens right up to the lawn and we don't have to traipse down steps outside. Dixie is now to the point where she wakes Greg up every single night to go out. Not sure why she chooses him, but I'll keep sneaking her treats as long as she keeps waking him instead of me!! :)
Good luck, hope he's feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for updates. I love your blog.