Monday, January 26, 2009

2009 X Games

this weekend chaos hit mako's house for some serious doggie time. Chaos was cleared at the vet on friday morning to start using his leg more. He is cast free and we are just waiting for the cast sores to clear up. While at Mako's he forgot that he was a gimp and really started using his leg more. Upon his arrival home he tried to go back to gimping and we called him out on it.

while chaos was enjoying doggie time we hit the road with jess and jared for the 2009 winter x games. I like that we are the official seth wescott cheering committee and we take our role seriously even standing in the rain and cold to show our support. SBX is a tough event... not only do the racers have to hit big features and maintain speed but they have to avoid other snowboarders. Seth ruled his first heat but his goofy stance was knocked down when he knocked butts with a regular boarder. This was the first time in 12 years that seth didn't make the finals. We were proud regardless especially since seth is rocking the world cup circuit this season.
We made a big weekend out of the event and stayed in Glenwood Springs, home of the famous hot springs, and enjoyed tubby time, a good brewery, late night in aspen and more. We even made it back on time sunday to celebrate big dave's birthday at fat alley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys have been staying busy! Glad to hear Chaos is up an about......